Gur Health Benefits – Jaggery Health Benefits

October 07, 2017 0 Comments

Urdu main parhnay k liaye page k end per jain, is post k akhir per urdu main gur ke faiday diaye gaye hain.

Did you know that jaggery comes with loads of health benefits? You may have seen older people eating a piece of jaggery with tea after a meal. It is not only because of its sweet taste, but it also has numerous therapeutic properties that do wonders for the body.
What Is Jaggery?
Jaggery is made from the juice of sugarcane, which is heated to produce thick crystals. It contains sugar in sucrose form and is used in many food products as a sweetening agent. It is considered healthier than refined sugar as certain plant phytochemicals and minerals are preserved in it.
Many people avoid jaggery as its raw appearance is not very appealing. However, it may be time to start making this food a regular part of your diet as it provides many essential nutrients and is an effective remedy for many ailments. By adding jaggery to your diet, you gain a wide range of health benefits that you may not have thought that this food could provide.
Jaggery is also known as ‘Gur’ in Hindi, ‘Bellam’ in Telugu, ‘Vellam’ in Tamil, ‘Sharkara’ in Malayalam, ‘Bella’ in Kannada, and ‘Gul’ in Marathi. Let’s take a look at all the amazing benefits of jaggery:
Skin Benefits Of Jaggery
Jaggery is beneficial as a beauty treatment. It has natural properties that ensure that the skin stays healthy at all times.
  • Nourishes The Skin: Jaggery is rich in many vital vitamins and minerals, allowing it to provide nourishment to every part of the body, including the skin. When your skin gets proper nourishment, it can stay glowing and healthy.
  • Treats Acne And Pimples: Jaggery helps in treating and preventing many skin problems such as acne and pimples. Hence, it helps in keeping the skin blemish-free. It also delays the signs of aging such as wrinkles, dark spots, etc.
Health Benefits Of Jaggery
For Digestion
One of the main reasons that people take jaggery after meals Continue reading 

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