Benefits of Beet
Benefits of Beet
Beet is a slightly sweet tuber, and has several nutritional and medicinal properties. It is quite versatile and can be consumed raw, grilled, cooked, roasted or in the form of juices.
Beets can be consumed in raw salads, cooked or in juices, being ideal to consume it in the raw form, because its main antioxidant nutrient, betalaĆna, is lost when placed at high temperatures.
Benefits of Beet
Good for diabetics because it has a high fiber content that helps control the level of sugar in the body.
It improves digestion and prevents constipation as it is rich in dietary fiber which aids digestion and improves bowel movement.
Helps to detoxify the body.
Maintenance of brain tissues.
Helps in the formation of bones.
Regulates muscle and nerve functions.
Prevents problems in the spleen and liver.
Promotes decongestion of the urinary tract.
Strengthening of the immune system.
Stimulates the production of red blood cells.
It stimulates concentration and increases oxygenation of the brain, protecting it against dementias.
Reduces risks of cardiovascular diseases.
Beetroot against anemia
Contrary to what many believe, beet is not a food rich in IRON. The amount of iron in the beet is very small and so it does not serve to combat anemia.
The beet contains a substance called oxalate which, if consumed in excess, can worsen the picture of kidney stones, for those who already have the problem.